Kofpato's Motivation

Everyone at a certain point in their lives loses hope and gives up on that dream and that opportunity. But how can you transform this weakness into greatness? We all have a mass amount of willpower in all of us, using your willpower requires you to be very positive and of a genuine mind. It's all done through a process which works for everyone who has practiced it before. Now let's look at some of the psychological factors that can help us recharge our willpower:


Is when you take a large task and you break it into tiny tiny pieces.

It's a process where you need to motivate your brains in seeing the other sides of solving a large problem in an easy way, this has to do with your willpower and how you can manipulate it. Our brain is designed to be efficient with our willpower as possible in order to conserve energy. We actually have an almost unlimited amount of willpower but we all have a point in time were our brains says it can't move on anymore. So with chunking you focus on one small piece at a time which motivates your brain in performing that task.


It is the second psychological factor that increases our levels of willpower, the more confidence you have about a task the less willpower it will require. Example, how confident are you about losing 30 pounds... Most people will say never but imagine you asking them if they are confident of losing 1 pound? The answer will be yes I can do it, Always remember confidence is about the little wins that amount to great wins which along the road makes you more and more confidence towards your goal.


View Of Willpower:

How we view willpower can affect our levels of it. Our mind must always be equipped towards our willpower. If you believe that willpower is limited then you will actually lose willpower faster than someone who believes willpower is unlimited.

These 3 factors will help you change your mind about the problems you face in your fitness journey.