Some people have been going to the gym since they can remember. Some people have always been athletic. But some of us; we saw the door of a gym because our favorite high-rise jeans wouldn't fit anymore no matter how many "dance and pulls" we did. Don't act like you do not know what the "dance-and-pull is". I'll break it down. It's that embarrassing dance you do trying to get your jeans to pass through your thigh. If mirrors could talk.


The next day we were busy on Google maps looking for a new gym in the area and we thought, "Huh" this one is like 3 steps from where I live. How convenient!

They charge very well. I think they are even cheap. This put into account the fact that you think you will be going to the gym every day. Until it's on the 25th and you have only been to the gym once.

There are so many people here. This is going to be so fun. (until you get started and realize that having a near-empty gym is a luxury).

This workout looks so easy. 5 reps in, I think I am dying!

Wait, has it only been 6 minutes. I thought I had worked out for an hour already! Time moves painfully slow when you are lifting.

Wow, how do people with abs feel? Look at her!

I wish I was that girl leaving. She looks like she put in a good workout.

Why do I eat donuts so much?

How do you use this machine?

I bet I could be a personal trainer. Sure it doesn't look that hard.

How much water is too much? How long of a break is too much?

Why did I wear grey? Do I have sweat marks on my butt?

Why do people look so good and I'm dying?

Should I take another break? Will I get abs after this?

Guys, I have to admit going to the gym is hard but once you start, you get consistent. the trick is to just start and you will find your balance. are there any that I missed?