Hi Sportsmen and fitness lovers, today you come to bring a new recipe to lose weight, a coconut milkshake, one of the best known tropical fruits in the world, is the coconut and very few people dislike. I know that losing weight is a very difficult task but not impossible, we should only have a little motivation and persistence until we can achieve our goals.

It is very important to have a series of smoothie recipes that we can make depending on our taste, which is why I try to make a post the most consumed fruit smoothies. So, friends, let's proceed to present the recipe we have brought today.


A) 1/3 cup ground coconut without sugar.

B) 1 cup of coconut milk without sugar.

C) 2 blocks of ice.

D) 2 tablespoons of vanilla-flavored protein powder.

¿How to prepare it?

Simply put the ingredients mentioned, in the order mentioned, in the blender. Then drink it and enjoy it (You can boil the pieces of coconut until they turn yellow, but this is optional).

¿What are the benefits of coconut?

It has many benefits but we will only get what is important for the diet:

  1. Vitamin E, C, and B.

  2. Phosphorus.

  3. Decreases triglycerides in those who have cholesterol.

  4. Regulates diabetes.

Always remember to ask for opinions of a professional, and staying motivated in everything we do. If you liked this post do not forget to vote and comment.