The human body was created with an evolutionary efficiency that has no limits, so much so that when a person begins to read, his knowledge grows and adapts to the new knowledge that he acquires while he reads said book or article. It also happens when exercising, the more dedication and more effort you put, the more strength and volume you get, besides being in good health and with a long life.

The first thing you should know before starting an exercise routine is your body, not all bodies are the same, some are easier to gain fat, others are more difficult and others tend to have a strong body and defined by nature. These are three and it is known as Ectomorphic, Endomorphic and Mesomorphic:


Ectomorphic people are usually tall, thin, with long limbs and narrow shoulders. They have an incredibly fast metabolism that allows them to eat as much as they want without gaining weight. But as they say "not everything that shines is gold", this type of body costs him to gain muscle mass and therefore must have a more intense routine than the endomorph and the mesoform.


the endomorphic people are the polar opposite of those that are ectomorphic, since the endomorphs are lower, much more corpulent and gain weight more easily, people who have this type of body must control their diet and their routines are mostly cardio .


Finally, the best of all, people who have this type of body have won the lottery and should thank God, this type of body gains muscle mass faster. It is an enviable body since this type of body without the need to exercise shows a good figure. Mesomorphic people have narrow waist, long trunk, are more muscular.


Since you know your body we will continue in the second part of this POST with the daily routines that you have to follow during a whole month, without stopping, without postponing and without looking for excuses.