We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” And while we may have written this off as our parents’ excuse to get us to stop considering a candy bar as a meal, a new study has shown that our diet can have a significant impact on our health, especially as we age.

According to a study in The Journals of Gerontology, which was conducted by University of Southampton researchers, individuals who eat healthily throughout adulthood improve their likelihood of enjoying better physical fitness later in life. 

Adults who had consumed a healthy diet over the long-term study period performed better in three standardised physical performance measures at age 60-64, found a research team from University of Southampton (UoS), in collaboration With University College, London.

The study analysed subjects' diet at four points between ages 36-64. The researchers found that those who consumed more fruit, vegetables and wholegrain bread, (and less refined carbohydrates and processed meats), performed better in chair rise, standing balance and timed up-and-go tests.

Adults who had improved their diet later in the study period also showed better performance in the first two of these tests, suggesting that changing to a better dietary regime, even in early old age could be beneficial.

"Improving the quality of your diet can have a beneficial effect on health whatever your age. However, this study suggests that making good dietary choices throughout adulthood - by cutting down on highly processed foods and incorporating more fruit, vegetables and whole grains into your diet - can have a significant beneficial effect on strength and physical performance later in life, helping to ensure a much healthier old age," commented lead author Sian Robinson, Professor of Nutritional Epidemiology at UOS.


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