It´s fitness month and whether you are working on either your bikini body or your sixpack abs, you might have wondered at what time of the day your training would be the most efficient. Unfortunately, that perfect time isn’t definite; experts tell us there are benefits to working out at different times of the the day. 

Mornıng Workouts

Working out in the morning ensures that you don’t interrupt your workout schedule with other tasks. For example, exercising in the morning hours makes being late from work irrelevant, or feeling overloaded with errands that must be done, or saddled with other unexpected to-do items.

Movement can be an enormous source of energy, something that can be useful when we start our day. But besides that, morning exercise has been shown to improve focus and mental abilities all day long. Not only will you feel awake and have more energy after your workout, but your mind will be ready to take on whatever tasks you have lined up that day. Some research has proven the effectiveness of exercise to “wake up” the mind. According to the results, exercise does a better job than coffee!

Morning exercise revs metabolism, so if you hit the gym in the AM, you'll be burning calories during the day while you're taking them in instead at night while you're asleep. People who exercise in the morning have lower blood pressure throughout the day and get better sleep. Morning exercise not only improves the length of sleep you will enjoy, but also your quality of sleep by promoting deeper sleep cycles.

 Your body will enjoy a healthy sense of fatigue at the end of the day and will be ready to sleep.Evening exercise can actually have the opposite effect. Exercise is a form of stress, and your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones including adrenaline.

Afternoon Exercise

Nevertheless studies in a variety of sports and activities – weightlifting, cycling, etc. – have shown measures of strength and power to be highest in the afternoon/evening compared to the morning.As body and environmental temperature increase in late afternoon, so does enzyme activity and muscular function. Therefore you can work out at your peak from about 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

As body and environmental temperature increase in late afternoon, so does enzyme activity and muscular function. Therefore you can work out at your peak from about 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

During this time we have the optimal body temperature for training, providing us optimal nerve conduction velocity, joint mobility and safety, metabolism, and muscular blood flow.

 Our core body temperature is low at night, rises quickly upon awakening, and reaches a maximum in the evening. Please consider that activities requiring strength and power have been shown to be more affected by time of day than other forms of activities, such as endurance events. 

Working out after work can also be beneficial, when you have more energy than if you try to drag yourself out of bed in the morning.

So there are benefits for basically any time of the day and we would recommend you try out both morning and afternoon exercise and listen to your body. 

Depending on whether you are a night owl or an early riser, you find it more comfortable the one or the other way. The most important thing is that you move at all, no matter what time of the day. And don´t forget to get your daily dose of nutrients to give your body what it needs to function well.


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