Liverpool is continuing the perfect performance in the new season, Jürgen Klop's team this time with a 2-1 win on a Leicester trip.

Liverpool have a fantastic opening season, today they have scored three more points after returning from their tour with Leicester.

Reds from the start started offhand and the result was opened already in the tenth minute when after Robertson's assist, Mane hit Liverpool 1-0.

Before the very end of the first half, Firmino scored a goal for Liverpool from 2-0, the winner was already supervised.

Although there were several excellent chances, Leicester managed to score just one goal, thanks to a great kick from the Liverpool goalkeeper, Alison Becker who unsuccessfully tried to shove Madison, he took the ball, added it to Gezel, who reduced to 2-1 .

This was the first goal for Allison in the Premier League.

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