I rented my girls to their 100-pound teammates

August 28, 2018

Former Arsenal and Liverpool player, Jeremy Pennant recently entered a real show under the name "Big Brother", and this was preceded by a section of his autobiography describing what he and his teammates did when the girls were in question.

Penant did a great advertisement before leaving before the telecoms cameras, although this time recording is slightly different from what he had recently. We remind him that he shot sex with his wife in February this year and charged online for watching the movie.

Namely, whenever mentioning, Penance always turned around about sex, as he also says in his autobiography.

We called it a monopoly. We divided the girls as if they were in our possession. If I had sex with a girl, then with that same teammate, I had to pay for the rent. It depended on how attractive they were. If they were the top class, they gave me 100 pounds. For those bad guys, I got only 14 pounds, "said Penante.

Although he did not mention which players are working, English media mention Joe Cole and Jermain Defoe, who consider themselves to be an inevitable part of this story.

Пенант својата кариера ја заврши во седмата лига во Англика, а претходно играше и во Сингапур. Важеше за контроверзен фудбалер, а во брак е со старлетата Алис Гудвин.