Michel Platini has long been the president of UEFA, but from his toy days, he especially remembers the stage he had in Juventus, where he was timely to be the world's best player.

The unforgettable French footballer has been quite skillfully distancing himself from the public for some time and giving statements, but with the last one he gave to the respectable French newspaper "Lekip", he immediately caused a lot of public reactions.

Platini made his comment on the bombing transferring the former club he played for Cristiano Ronaldo's engagement.

- I really look very strange that, at the age of 33, he left his Real Madrid team, which won three consecutive titles in the Champions League. I had many goals for 32 years, but in the end I retired because I was very tired. I do not know if Juventus contacted the Portuguese or Mendes himself offered them, but anyway, I can not understand this operation at all. For me his transfer in Juve is illogical, - says Platini.
