In the Russian World Cup, French player Mbabe made a big splash and helped France win the World Cup again.

But Mbape has a discordant voice in the club. Mbape’s mother was very dissatisfied with the treatment of her son at the club, especially Neymar and Alves’ mocking of Mbabe.

Because it is very similar to the protagonist in the American animated "Ninja Turtles", Mbape has been called "Donatel" by Neymar, Alves and other teammates last season. Even in November last year, Mbabe also got a mask of Donatello in the locker room. However, according to Mbabe’s mother, “Mbape does not like this nickname at all, but there are still many people callng him so.” In the match with Argentina, Mbape performed well and Avis also played after the game. The social media praised Mbape, but the Brazilian wrote: "Donatero is so fast, right." For Alves' praise, Mbape himself is not satisfied.

After Mbabe scored this action in the World Cup, everyone will understand!