The match between Barça vs Villarreal is played at the Camp Nou Stadium (Barcelona) on Tuesday 24 September 2019, at 21:00 hours, and corresponds to Matchday 6 of the Spanish Football League.

Barça has beaten Villarreal 14 times and has drawn 4 times in the last 18 opportunities they have faced.

Barça has won both home games 5-2, an average of 7 goals.

It is worth remembering that Villarreal lost 2-1 at Levante and won 0-3 at Leganés, an average of three goals per game.

The Barcelona team still does not know the victory at home in this league course, a draw and two defeats that burden the team and move away from the highest positions in the table.

There are usually enough goals in the last few matches between the two.

Barça have only scored two goals in their four games this season, but the most worrying thing is that the team has only finished between the posts eight times, an average of two shots per game. Dortmund has only finished off once, at the start of the second half.

The Villareal all smile with a team that marches in Champions League positions after their victory by two goals to zero against Valladolid and are fully ready to give the surprise in Can Barça.

My prediction

Barcelona should win 3 - 1

What is your opinion of this encounter? Who will win? Will Barcelona emerge as real champions?