"Politics is still the no. 1 sport in town" (Bill Kurtis)

Like most other games, FIFA 2018 world cup couldn't escape the political effects. In the FIFA 2018 world cup goal-rain final between "France vs Croatia", you would have seen a disruption in the match, when some uniformed people invaded the ground. Meanwhile, one of the protesters approached "Dejan Lovren", who grabbed the invader from his neck and dragged him out..

While, Mbappe was found to have either a soft corner for it, or he saw a smile coming towards him and couldn't afford to lose an appreciating fan..

Many televisions just stopped broadcasting or showed replays from the match. Myself thought that it was usual that some fans came running in the ground to cheer or touch their favorite stars, but that was not the case. Nonetheless, the protesters were dragged out of the ground & match was resumed.

This invasion was actually made by a Russian feminist punk group named as "Pussy Riots", which was established in 2011 by about 11 ladies. The group has performed a great number of performances and protests, including one of their famous "Punk Prayers", where they tried to sing a political song against the 3rd attempt of President Putin to claim the throne

Punk Group band (Image Source)

The protesters were mainly celebrating and highlighting the art work done by a famous activist Russian poet "Dmitri Prigov" on his death anniversary. He depicted the image of an ideal heavenly policeman, who would protect a baby in her sleep. The message is from the Soviet times and was related to the current situation of Russia, where several people are behind bars due to political rivalry & probably many of them just because they raised a voice against the system. Currently, following are the main demands of the group:

  • People should not be jailed for social media 'Like'
  • Release the political captives
  • Government should not do illegal arrests
  • Healthy political competitions should be welcomed
  • Turn the earthly policeman into heavenly policeman (related to Prigov's iconic figure)

Even though, at one side it seems a little bitter when beauty of the sports is punctured by such acts, but at the same time it feels that people have not been given proper space to explain their point of views in a better way.. 

                        Well, their points sound fair enough to me. What do you say?