Hi friends, trust you all are catching some fun here on scorum? It's been a hectic Wednesday over here. Most times, when I have a stressful day, I just drop by on scorum to share my thoughts on the current happenings or controversies in football world, or chat a little about my personal sports life as an amateur soccer player on my blog. It has always been a very effective means of deflating a day's stress.

So today, 'am gonna be talking a little about one of the things I thought was gonna become as a child, You can call it a dream. I think this kind of Life experience is not peculiar to me, because I feel most people do dream of becoming many things and they end up achieving few or maybe becoming something else entirely. Yah, these stuffs play out and most times you don't have control over them. So let's get the show on road!

Growing up, I was exposed to sports, football in particular. Almost every kid in Africa is exposed to football at a very tender age, whether in schools or on the streets. Its importance and role in the society has far outgrown just fun or exercise. I have witnessed most warring communities or hamlets settle their communal disputes on the table of a football tournament.

Also, with politicians taking advantage of football to advance their political quests, especially by organising tournaments among states or communities in their name with jumbo cash prizes to be won, the dream of becoming a professional player inflated my childhood consciousness. The political class understands the efficacy of football on an average Nigerian youth, so they created connection with the youths via this process.

Also, I saw the life of professional footballers on the screens and how everyone admired them, it was something I couldn't wait to become. I imagined my name being at the back of football Jerseys, people using my pictures for adverts and young people chanting my name when I go visiting. As a kid, there was nothing more appealing than being a footballer when I grow up.

However, I had another awesome dream too, the one I couldn't also trade for anything. I have always dreamt of being a Lawyer. Advocating for the oppressed and being s voice to the voiceless. I grew to admire the "wig and gown." Being a Lawyer comes with societal prestige and as a kid, I always admired the little moments I spent with some of them who are my Dad's friends.

While 'am currently undergoing a Law Degree program at the University of Nigeria to become an Attorney, I have watched the light of my other dream of becoming a professional footballer dwindle with every sunrise. Though 'am part of a football team in the University, I now play it for the fun of it and not with a drive to become a professional football star. I love the legal profession and trying to combine both currently can't work. Maybe I could become something else in the sports sector in the future, but it's certainly not gonna be a professional footballer.

Do you also have a Childhood dream that you don't see coming through and what you're currently driving at, or other dreams that you've achieved already? Share it on the comment section, will be glad to hear your experience. Thanks.