Rope jump 


We love those games and play them in the game. For those of us who have a different tactic of sports, writing for them today. Today we will know about a game that his name is Rope jump.

Rope jump is one of the ancient games of different provinces of Bangladesh and India.

Usually, this game is organized in different action competitions. The game is organized every year on the occasion of Bangladesh's Victory Day.

Rules of the game :

# The rope required for this game.

# This contest requires 7 or more competitors as a contestant.

# This game has to give basic jumps. The basic jump is to move the rope over the head and jump out of the foot by jumping. In this case, the two legs have to move up together.

# Another part of this game is Chris Cross. Chris Cross is the two hands on the opposite side of the rope to jump. Apart from this, there are side wings, front backcrosses, double under rays and other rope jumps.

# If someone jumps while he jumps in this game, he will not be able to participate in the game. She would be considered ineligible.

# In this game, as long as he can not jump with the rope, he is considered as a winner.

The benefits of playing the rope jump :

# Helps reduce excess weight and stomach fat.

# Helps increase the efficiency of heart and lungs multiplied. The body will supply blood quickly, which will provide essential oxygen and nutrients in the body parts of the body. During leaping the rope, many of the toxic components are released from the body through sweating. This increases the skin's brightness and polishing.

# Increases immunity.

I have had a lot of experience watching the game in Bangladesh. Write more about their various ancient games.

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