This match will not be for trophy but for pride as everyone who follows football knows that happened at last el clasico.

Recent Form:

Real Madrid-

They might have started there season slower than other teams but they are catching up to other team and are trying to improve there team game and are in 3rd place, 2 points behind city rivals Atletico Madrid and 8 points behind Barcelona .In there last 6 matches they have 5 wins, 0 draws and 1 loss to Leganes which was very disappointing game for Madrid.


They are not in quite a form compare to there start but it does't mean they are playing bad, they are terrific compare to other teams but they where very good in start but they are in 1st position in the league and are looking to win League tittle as well as Copa del Ray. In last 6 matches they have 4 wins,1 draws and 1 losses which is not good as Real Madrid but everyone knows what happened in last el clasico.


Real Madrid-

There confidence must be low after last el clasico where they where destroyed in Camp nou by Barcelona the score was 5-1 and was totally one sided match.If they don't want there Trophy Cabinet to be vacant this season they have to at least win 1 title "Copa del Ray" but for that they have to beat Barcelona there all time greatest rivals and it does not look good right know for Real Madrid.They have big challenge knocking on the door and they have to face them head on in Catalonia.


Without a doubt they are top team in the world right now as we can see there form on pitch.They have already secure the domestic League title if they don't trip have lost now.They destroyed Madrid in last game and there star player Messi is in terrific form which will be bad for Madrid and the game will be in Catalonia Camp nou home turf for Barcelona which is more lethal for Madrid.


There is high probability that Barcelona will dominate Real Madrid and win this game with ease but if Real Madrid wants to fight there goal scorers can't do mistakes and they must play like a team.

Scorum betting:

The odds for Real Madrid to win are not that good so I will probably go with Barcelona winning the game. I think its likely to have over 3.5 goals.