Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello football lovers, how are you all? I hope you are all very well, I am also very well with your prayers and the grace of the Creator.

Yesterday I discussed the issue of FIFA ranking of Bangladesh football, Bangladesh football team could not improve the game but Bangladesh women's football team is playing great football at the moment. Last Thursday, Bangladesh women's football team defeated Malaysia women's football team by a big margin of 6-0 goals.

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The FIFA international friendly match between Bangladesh women's football team and Malaysia women's football team was held on Thursday, June 23. The match was held at the Mostafa Kamal Stadium in Kamalapur, Dhaka. In that match, Bangladesh women's football team won 6-0 against Malaysia women's football team.

Ankhi Khatun scored two goals for Bangladesh women's football team, besides captain Sabina Khatun scored one goal, Sirat Jahan Swapna, Monica Chakma, and Krishna Rani scored one goal each.

Ankhi Khatun scored the first goal for Bangladesh in the sixth minute of the match between Bangladesh and Malaysia women's football team, then Sabina Khatun scored the second goal in the 26th minute. Ankhi Khatun scored her second goal and Bangladesh's third goal in the 34th minute of the match, Then, just before the first half of the match, Sapna Rani scored the goal number 44 in the 4th minute. The game ended in the first half, with the Bangladesh women's football team leading 4-0 in the first half.

After the break, the second half started, Bangladesh women's football team dominated from the beginning of the second half, Monica Chakma scored the fifth goal for Bangladesh in the 66th minute of the match and Krishna Rani scored the sixth goal for Bangladesh in the 74th minute of the match. Bangladesh women's football team won by a big margin of 6-0 goals.

A total of two friendly matches will be held between Bangladesh women's football team and Malaysia women's football team. Bangladesh women's football team has won the first match and the second match between the two teams will be held on the same ground on the 26th.

Thanks everyone for reading my post about football today.