I hope this is not a spoiler. I hope it doesn't happen again as it did in 1963.

On April 24th that year, Brazil played a friendly match against Belgium in Brussels, part of its European tour that ended in disaster. And the biggest one was again the Red Devils.

Pelé was not there, but six players that took the title in Chile 1962 were. It was the green and yellow jersey facing not only Belgium, but its own past. What a past, the world used to say. What a tragedy it was at Hysel Stadium.

With 20 minutes, Belgium squad was already 4x0 ahead. At the end of the first half, the score was 4x1. But could be even worse. It was. 5x1 with Stockman scoring three times. Speed was the key for that amazing victory.

That happened 55 years ago. From that day on, Brazil and Belgium faced each other three times. Brazil won all of them. The first, two years later at Maracanã Stadium: 5x0. The last, this one below at 2002 World Cup. I'll keep that in mind.