Some time last year, the social media was on fire about the Beard Gang stuff. Though I didn't know the meaning initially until a friend of mine asked me after keeping my beard for some weeks if I wanted to join the Beard Gang. I just wanted to have a new look. I'm not really bearded but go a little to be proud off. So,I picked interest and did some researches to find out that Beard Gang was a group of people drawing support for men who keeps beard. Different people with different opinion and reasons. @pete and @tales got beards but don't know if @Batman has too going his profile image.

Well, I got to write on that in my next post or so but for now, lets have fun.


Rules (There is no order but observe at least three rules).

First correct 8 comments of different athletes got 3SCR to Cheers. Forget the SCR and have fun.

  1. Identify any athlete's face by numbering 
  2. Mention any or athlete's full name
  3. Mention his area of sport
  4. Your view about him


Sometimes you got to be weird


Sometimes you got to be funny, haha


Sometimes you got to be amazed


Sometimes you got to be serious you know


Sometimes you go to protest.


Sometimes you got to focus and forget about peoples opinion

#.8 Sometimes you got to fight to live not with anyone but yourself

All works and no play they say makes me a dull researcher. When you are incubated in the lab for three days then you got to appreciate the gift of inhaling fresh oxygen.


Let's have fun


Thanks for participating and support.

Images have no link to avoid cheating,😂😂😂😂