[source]( https://scontent.flos5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/183681258_5742531749097748_8114972578724499684_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=8024bb&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_eui2=AeGq7oeOdU5mYWA_CWodETtC4I-dIQj0jtDgj50hCPSO0LW8MBF84jvSVtS6Ct2q4hQ&_nc_ohc=hDCucUda9CsAX9GbxMn&_nc_ht=scontent.flos5-1.fna&tp=14&oh=80aa91b7820b5635fe09657cf3d3cf7e&oe=60C13A35)

Yesterday within a few hours Sergio Ramos began following several PSG players on Instagram. Our snoopy minds crave an explanation.

Out of contract on the 30th of June 2021,Sergio Ramos García is a hot topic in world football. Why not? Such a "beast" of a defender, yet elegant in style. He is arguably the most complete defender in modern day football. A LEGEND INDEED. He scores too and not a few. He is the best scoring defender in the 21st century– top scoring defender in La liga history,top scoring defender in the Spanish National team's history, shipping a total of 126 career goals. Amazingly amazing! He currently captains the presitigous Real Madrid football club and he is their designated penalty taker. You need to see him score those penalties(even using panenka's at times),you wonder if he's a striker or something,not to talk of his head with which he uses to notch crucial goals for Madrid time and time and time again. He's simply mind blowing.

Well the reality today is that he is 35yrs old and the club has a policy for veteran players. They give you a one year contract plus you take a 10% pay cut(which some have taken). But Ramos is holding out for a 2year contract extension with same salary. He feels his outstanding performances over his 15year stay in Madrid earns him the right to demand this. If you ask me, I absolutely agree. Well the club heirarchy has not agreed yet and so we keep our fingers crossed.

Perhaps his activity on Instagram yesterday is a pointer to his new direction. Who knows?

Well, normally I would pick PSG or United as viable options.

What others do you think,I mean top level clubs who can create space for him?
