Ralf Ragnick-led Manchester United side would be coming off against Atletico Madrid in the most recent Champions League draw.

The earlier draw saw them grouped alongside PSG. However, despite a second pairing, the Red Devils are still drawn alongside another tough opposition.

Reasons behind a second draw

There were several reasons why the first draw was rejected. According to a summary, officials who took part in the draw failed to adhere to some of the guidelines given by UEFA.

With that in mind, they were required to make another draw. For some teams, they are pleased with the recent draw, why for others, the first draw was a preferred option.

Manchester United remain neutral

In comparison with the likes of Real Madrid, it is funny to figure out who the Res Devils would have wanted between PSG the first drawgave them and Atletico Madrid of the second draw.

No doubt, these two teams are both tough sides, and Manchester United would have most probably preferred a smaller team in these early stages.


A major benefit for Manchester United would be the fact that the draw has strategically enabled them avoid the Unholy Trinity of Mbappe, Neymar and Messi.

That being said, they would be getting their acts together as they come up against a strongly defensive-minded Atletico the Madrid side.

Article Writer ✏️ Ordu Daniel