Envigado Stats

In the last 06 matches, Envigado Stats has scored 09 goals, won 02 times, drawn 03 times and lost 01 times. They scored an average of 1.50 goals per game. Overall in 11 matches, they scored 12 goals, won 03 times, drawn 05 times and lost 03 times. They scored an average of 1.09 goals per match.

Santa Fe Stats

Statically, in the last 06 matches, Santa Fe Stats has scored 07 goals, drawn 04 times and lost 02 times. They scored an average of 1.17 goals per match. Overall in 14 matches, they scored 14 goals, won 01 times, drawn 09 times and lost 04 times. They scored an average of 1.00 goals per match.

Heat to Head

Teams Envigado and Santa Fe played so far 32 matches. Envigado won 7 direct matches and Santa Fe won 12 matches. 13 matches ended in a draw. On average h2h matches, both teams scored 2.28 goals per Match. Envigado in actual season average scored 1.09 goals per match. Santa Fe average scored 1.00 goals per match in season 2019.


Looking at the previous record of both teams, it looks like this time Santa Fe will win by 2-1 goals.

Previous contest result-

#4# Fulham 0-2 Man City

Winner- @mr-sarriball @tina24 @keegzhawkins @herbaycity

#5# Levante Stats 2-2 Eibar Stats

Winner- @ronaldo420

Rules for the contest and how to join:-

1) Place the prediction in the comment section.

2) You need to do the score prediction in this contest. Predict the scores.

3) I will announce the winner list in my next day blog or comment section.

4) Comment will be only accepted before 5 minutes of match time.

5) Snapshot will be taken before 5 minutes of the match at the time of the contest.

6) No cheating and more than 1 prediction will be not allowed in the contest.

7) If there are multiple winners in the league than we will divide the amount by the winners' numbers. For eg., if there are 3 winners than we will divide the amount of giveaway by 3.

8) If there will be no winners on the current contest. The reward will be automatically taken to the next contest. So all the reward is yours.

Thank you for looking at my post and taking an interest. Hope so you comment on this post too. I will like to have as many comments so that it will be good for the community to fill their pockets with SCR.

Regards @Rabin Singh

Note:-If someone wants to be a part of this contest to help another as a sponsor, then you are most welcome to contact me in discord/Telegram