Jiangsu Suning FC

In China Super League, Jiangsu Suning FC is currently standing at 5th positions on the point table with 18 points. In the full season, Jiangsu Suning FC has played fourteen matches and has scored twenty-eight goals, won six times, drawn three times and they had lost five times. Jiangsu Suning FC has scored an average of 2.00 goals per matches. In average this team's performance so not good. The last six matches, this team has scored nine goals, won one time, drawn 03 times and lost two times. They scored an average of 1.50 goals per match. As per current records, in the last six matches, its performance was very bad.

Beijing Renhe

Beijing Renhe ranks are 13th position in point table of China Super League with 11 points. In the last six matches, Beijing Renhe has scored six goals, won two times and lost four times. This team has scored an average of only 1.00 goals per match. The current position of this team is also very bad. In the whole season, this team played fifteen matches and they have scored only fourteen goals, from that this team won four times, drawn three times and lost eight times. Beijing Renhe has scored an average of 0.93 goals per match. The overall performance of this team was very worse.

Head to Head

looking at the whole record, Both teams have played so far sixteen matches. Jiangsu Suning FC won seven matches and Beijing Renhe won three matches and six matches ended in a draw. On average in-direct matches, both teams scored 1.69 goals in the per match, which is not so good yet it is okay.

My Prediction-

After looking at the overall analysis, both teams have not played so well throughout the season and the current position of both teams is not so good. After seeing the head to head records both teams have played so far 16 matches, in which Jiangsu Suning FC performed very well. Jiangsu Suning FC has won 07 matches out of the 16 matches and Beijing Renhe has won only 03 matches and other 06 matches were drawn. In compared to both teams, then Jiangsu Suning FC played well according to Beijing Renhe. So today I would like Jiangsu Suning FC to win the match also and with a good score 4-1. You can put your opinion/feedback about these team in the comment box, please.

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