Getafe FC

In Spain La Liga league Getafe FC is currently standing at 4 positions in the point table. This team has played 34 matches in this season and able to win in 14 matches with 12 match result went on the draw and also they have 7 losses in this season. The current form if the team is average as in the last 5 matches they able to win in 2 matches with 2 matches went on the draw and in remaining 1 match result was lost.

Real Madrid

The team is completely good and completely balanced and with this, they are at 3rd position in Spain La Liga point table. They have played 33 matches and out of they-have won in 20 matches which are going sign for the team. In 4 matches they draw the match but in remaining 9 matches they lose a match. The current form of the team is above average as in their last 5 matches they win in 3 matches with 1 match went on the draw and in remaining 1 match they lose a match.

Head to Head

From the year December 2015 Getafe FC and Real Madrid faced each other 5 times in the different tournament. Out of all 5 matches real Madrid able to win in all the 5 matches. In the last head to head match, Real Madrid won the match with a 2-0 score.

My prediction

Looking at the current form of both the team both team are heavier on each other and so it is little difficult to predict which team will win. But, head to head records is little different as when both teams face each other at that time Real Madrid has good records and so real Madrid is favorite to win the match. The predictable score for this match will be 2-1 and Real Madrid will win the match.