New England Rev. Stats

In USA League (Conference Eastern), New England Rev. Stats is currently standing at 11th position on the point table with 16 points. At this time the team which is not in such a good position. In the last 06 matches, New England Rev. Stats has scored only 07 goals, from which they have only won 02 matches, drawn 02 matches and lost 02 matches. This team has scored an average of 1.17 goals per matches. In the whole season, New England Rev. Stats has played a total of 20 matches and they have scored only 21 goals, from which this team won 05 times, drawn 04 times and lost 11 times and they have scored an average of 1.05 goals per fixtures. This team played not well throughout the season and also not played well in the last six matches.

Philadelphia Union Stats

Philadelphia Union Stats ranks are 1st position in point table of USA League (Conference Eastern) with 31 points. If we see the whole season record, this team has played 18 matches and scored 32 goals, that was a very good performance. From which Philadelphia Union Stats won 09 matches, drawn 04 matches and lost 05 matches. This team has scored an average of 1.78 goals per matches. In the last 06 matches, Philadelphia Union Stats has scored 09 goals, won only 02 matches, drawn 02 times and lost 02 matches. The last six matches this team also did not play so well. But we see their whole season record the performance of this team was playing a little bit well.

Head to Head

As per their head to head record, Teams New England Rev. and Philadelphia Union played so far 26 matches. From which New England Rev. won six matches and Philadelphia Union won fifteen matches and five matches ended in a draw. On average in-direct matches, both teams scored 3.08 goals per fixtures.

My Prediction-

After looking at the overall analysis, New England Rev. Stats did not play well throughout the season and also played not much well in the last six fixtures. Another hand Philadelphia Union Stats played well in the whole season but this team did not even play well in the last six matches. Both teams played equally in the last six matches. If we see their rank in the points table Philadelphia Union Stats is very ahead of New England Rev. Stats. As per their head to head record, both teams played so far 26 matches and from which Philadelphia Union won 15 matches and New England Rev. Stats won only 06 matches. According to the head to head record, Philadelphia Union Stats always played very well against New England Rev. Stats. That why I think Philadelphia Union Stats will play very well as usual and must be a win in this match with a good score 3-1. You can put your opinion/feedback about these team in the comment box, please.

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