
In Russia premier league, Orenburg is standing at 8th position in point table. Moreover, they have played 27 matches and from that, they able to win in 10 matches with 6 matches went on drawing within remaining 11 matches they have to suffer with lose. The current form of Orenburg is average because in the last 5 matches they have just 2 wins and 1 draw and in remaining 2 matches they lose it.

Ural F.C

Ural F.C is standing at 11th position in point table of Russia premier league. Apart from this, they have played 26 matches in this season and from that, they able to win in just 9 matches with 6 match result remain a draw and in remaining 11 matches they had to lose against an opponent team. Looking at the current form, Ural has average form as in the last 5 matches they have the same result as of Orenburg.

Head 2 Head

From July 2011 both teams face each other in almost 5 occasions and the result was with the Ural in almost every match but in one match result was drawn. In the last encounter when both teams face each other at that time result was with the Ural and they win the match with 2-1 goals.

My prediction

Looking at the current form both teams having an average form in this season. But in the point table, Orenburg is a little high on the point table. My prediction for this match is Orenburg will win the match with a score difference of 1-0.