Tromsoe Stats

In Norway Eliteserien, Tromsoe Stats is currently standing at 16th positions on the point table with 07 points. In the last six matches, Tromsoe Stats has scored only 07 goals, won 02 times and lost 04 times. Tromsoe Stats has scored an average of 1.17 goals per match. Which was not better performance. In the full season, Tromsoe Stats has played 21 matches and they have scored 32 goals, from that Tromsoe Stats won 07 times, drawn 02 times and lost 12 times and this team has scored an average of 1.52 goals per match. If we see the overall record this team played not well throughout the season.

Stabaek Stats

Stabaek Stats ranks are 15th position in point table of Norway Eliteserien with 07 points. In the whole season, Stabaek Stats has played 19 matches and has scored only 27 goals, won 09 times, drawn 02 times and they had lost 08 times and this team has scored an average of 1.42 goals per fixtures. The last 06 fixtures, Stabaek Stats has scored 09 goals, won two times and lost four times and this team has scored an average of 1.50 goals per fixtures. This team also played not so well in whole season.

Head to Head

Looking at the overall record, Stabaek and Tromsoe have played so far 35 fixtures. From that Stabaek Stats had won 13 matches and Tromsoe had won 16 matches and 06 fixtures ended in a draw. If we see the average score both teams have scored 2.89 goals per fixtures.

My Prediction-

After looking at the overall records, Performance of both teams was very poor through the season. If the result of the last six matches, the conditions of both teams are the same. Both teams won just two matches in out of 06 matches and lost 04 matches. But in the last two matches Tromsoe Stats has won consecutively and Stabaek Stats has lost the last match. After that the head to head record seen, according to Stabaek Stats, Tromsoe has played very well. So in this match, according to me, Tromsoe Stats will win and that too with a good score 3-1. You can put your opinion/feedback about these team in the comment box, please.

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