Football is played in over two hundred countries worldwide. There are more FIFA members than the United Nations. Almost everyone knows that it is the world's most popular game. The word 'almost' is to be used because the matter is still unknown to two people! Such as the President of the United States Donald Trump Trump said in a meeting with FIFA president Ziannie Infantino at the White House, "Football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world."

In the Oval Office yesterday, Trump discussed the 2026 World Cup held in Infinito. The eight-year-long World Cup will be jointly organized by the United States, Canada and Mexico. Trump said at one stage of the interaction with the FIFA president, "Soccer has reached a lot of ways. You think the game is called "football" but here in the US, we call "soccer". Maybe one day the name change (soccer). I do not know, let's see. '

Infantino also offered some courtesy gifts to Trump. A memorandum of Fifa, a gift book besides referees guide books, was a great surprise. One quick red and yellow card During the transfer, Infantino took a football-class trumpet! 'You know the referee has a "soccer" referee. They have cards - red and yellow. Yellow cards are cautious, but when you want to get someone out (Infantinos show a red card to Trump at this time) ... it will be useful.

The FIFA president's gift of this trump is understood by the next reaction. The red card from the Infantinos, the media workers showed! Then the trump word, 'It is very good. Have a great choice. Pretty choice. '