Sanfrecce Hiroshima vs Tokyo

Sanfrecce Hiroshima is standing in the first position in the league table with 17 points. In 7 matches, this team won 5 matches and 2 draws. For the last five matches in J1 , first it won Cerezo Osaka 0:1, second it won Matsumoto 1:0, then it won Oita Trinita 0:1, after that it won Gamba Osaka 3:0, finally it won Vissel Kobe 2:4.

Tokyo is standing in the second position in the league table with 17 points . In 7 matches, this team won 5 matches and two draws. For the last five matches in J1, first it won Nagroya 1:0, second it drew with Urawa reds 1:1 at away , then it won shimizu 2:1, after that it won Sagantozu 1:0 , finally it won kshimantlet 3:1,

Head to head

For the last five games of both teams, first Sanfrecce lost again Tokyo 0:1, second it won 1:0, then it won tokuyo 2:1 ,after that it lost against Tokyo 3:1, finally they drew with each other1:1 .



-Please comment your predictions before the games start. -If there are more than one winners, the rewards will be shared. -The number of goals will count during 90 minutes.

Recent Standing:

Please predict :

-Sanfrecce draw Tokyo

-Over or under 2.5

-Total goals =?

-Sanfrecce ?:? Tokyo

I would like to thank all the participants that participate in this contest. And I would like to thank all the sponsors that usually support this contest by voting my posts or adding some scr to the reward pool. Please God bless all contestants and sponsors have a good luck, good health and success in your lives.