After Chelsea lost today match to Leicester I can bodly say the boys needs more time but the Coach deserves no time.

We should not be in a haste to dispatch and throw away our young players which includes the new signee.

Didn't wait enough for Debruyne, neither Mo Salah, but then they came through and still rule this league, just that now, they are not on our side no more.

I have equally been disappointed in Timo.Harvertz and other underperformers, but it's ridiculous to talk about letting them go, no!!!

Let them sit and grow and adapt and then let's see them at their peak to see if really their best performances are worth the Chelsea badge.

Until then, I ain't gonna spew impossibilities (cause it's impossible to sell players worth millions of pounds a season after you buy them) It has never worked like that.

So let's just be patient and unfortunately part of the growth process is seeing these guys disappoint us even as they grow as professionals(just like that Werner chance in the last match😣😹) my chest was swapped places with my eyes😱

The good days will come for us fam, let's chill💙