It is gold throughout the entire existence of Turkish football and it is as yet questionable despite the fact that it is captured ... "Metin oktay shoots his shot and objective, however, the bosses penetrated the round cowhide nets, it can't be halted ... This objective, engraved in memory with the content" segment, was scored in the "Fenerbahçe-Galatasaray" coordinate It is likewise significant regarding being ...

They are the objectives that are normally found in football kid's shows and comparable computer games, particularly in Japanese. However, this is truly what occurred and the objectives that tore the nets.

Altay is at the brilliant objective in the first del networks recorded throughout the entire existence of turkey, October 21 karşıyaka'l coordinate in Izmir Alsancak Stadium in 1956, Selim, 71 minutes of the game ...

Metin Oktay's objective that tore the nets is one of the most fascinating occasions with regards to Turkish football history. In 1959, confronted Galatasaray-Fenerbahce coordinate pay in the last of the Turkey League held in two gatherings.

Metin Oktay, jumping from the left in the 39th moment of the match played at Inönü Stadium on June 10, 1959, made a stick of dynamite left kick when he entered the punishment zone in the wake of passing Fenerbahçe's middle half Naci Erdem. The ball that goes to the nets between Özcan Arkoç's look goes out from that point.

This occasion, which stands out forever as "the objective that tears the nets", befuddles everybody. After Golden, Fenerbahce players can't resist the urge to control the organizations.

The Yellow Red group dominates this game 1-0 with the main objective of Metin Oktay.

In any case, Fenerbahce dominates the second match 3 days after the fact 4-0.

The objective that the ref initially chose was revised upon the notice of the appointed authorities. At the point when we feel that the nets were made of ropes that were sore over the long run, in a period when the ball was played with the camera down to the wrists when it down-poured, we comprehend that there is no distortion.