Lewandowski has scored 85 goals in last 2 years (92 games). He has played 7579 minutes in last two year and has average goal every 89 minutes. In 2018 in 43 games he scored 41 goals averaging goal every 83 minutes and In 2017 he scored 44 goals in 49 games averaging a goal every 94 minutes. And yet he is not included in Top 30 best players. And there is Benzema. But I think he deserves at least top 10 players. He has even better average goal to minute ratio than Messi and Ronaldo. Messi has 93 goals in 104 games where he played 8704-minute averaging goal every 94 minutes. While Ronaldo has 81 goals in 91 games where he played 7850-minute averaging goal every 97 minutes while Lewandowski has an average goal every 89 minutes.

This post is not to show that Lewandowski is the best striker, it is posted to show Lewandowski is among the best and prove that why he is deserved to be in the top 30 FIFA Ballon d'Or. People may say that it's because we play in the farmer league. From which only 3 teams qualified for knockouts. And one of them topped in their group which had a Madrid. He is our hero. Lewandowski, Messi and Ronaldo, all are in great form. He is the best striker in Bundesliga. He might be challenged by Alcacer. Last time he had a challenge was against Aubamayeng.