Well, here's the new sensation at the Rugby world Cup in Japan.

The England team broke the winning streak of New Zealand, whose team had 18 consecutive.

At the same time, another sensation in the Rugby world Cup is that the British beat the team of new Zealanders for the first time in the world Cup

At the same time, the England team reached the semi-finals for the first time in 12 years in the Rugby world Cup.

It turned out to be just a wonderful result, because the team beat the heaviest opponent in the Championship with such a result.

What is the pressure, the passion of the game. It's super easy. The England team immediately took the lead, leaving no chance for the new Zealanders.

We are waiting for the unconditional victory of England in the Rugby world Cup !!!!

And a new sensation. Because the Europeans then for the first time will be able to become Champions in the world Cup.

In any case the hegemony of New Zealand is stopped

The England team played well, without making a single mistake on the field. In any case, there were no penalties in their half of the field, while there were 4 penalties against New Zealand