If you have been observing you will see that when it comes to the English premier league competition, we all can see that the Chelsea fc team started badly or rather still poorly. Coupled with the money that they splashed while making signings, I was thinking that they will be the talk of the town or rather still moment but it has shown a sign of sadness. Painfully, after four (4) matches the Chelsea fc team is still snowing the old Chelsea fc team that we know. Is it that the players at Chelsea fc have not blend with each other or there is still something hiding behind the scene that we are not exposed to or rather still we have no knowledge of? This is the rightful time for we to get allt this sorted out. Chelsea fc manager and team should knows that right at this moment and time the Chelsea fc fans are not happy at all. Truth be told, the main reason why they are not happy is simply holding to the fact that while they are expecting a flying start or experience, they are currently seeing what they never bargained for which is simply the opposite of a good start. I have hinted on it that good thing takes time but it seems they are not ready for such peaceful or understanding talk, all they needed right now is the positive result. Positive result or nothing. I think they have the right to rant, just imagine suffering a bad spell and season during the last season and you are still expecting same to repeat itself, I guess the answer is simply hell no.

We all knows that to whom much is given, much is definitely expected. What I mean by this is simply that those players that are signed to the Chelsea fc team should give their all, they should knows that they were signed to the Chelsea fc team for a reason, they should not start to form fine boy by behaving like super stars, the team need result. The fans will stand on their ground deep down no matter what, that is the only thing that will bring back their joy and not the I don't care attitude that some of the team players are showcasing. You can see the pain in me undermining that I am not a Chelsea fc fan either. It is so painful seeing a business man spending such a big amount of money on his business but still yet the business is not doing well. Funny enough, after spending heavily it can be seen that the team is now doing worse. This is bad I must admit. Something have to be done to the Chelsea fc team I must admit. As for your information, if there is something that has to be done, in has to be done with immediate effect. We have to hit the nail on the head or take the bull by the horn faster. We should not be taking chances as they are none that will be given to anybody. The new slogan for the Chelsea fc team should be Positive result or nothing. If everybody including the head coach, team, and fans stand on this, I think that there will be improvement to the team. The question right now is if those I mentioned are ready to do this for the sinking Chelsea fc team. If they are ready to do it, I can see progress in the team just like as I hinted above.

We all can see that the Chelsea fc team started their season well against the Liverpool fc team and I was saying that they were exceptional in that match. I was thinking that they will carry that mentality into other matches but that didn't happened. Do you guys knows that out of four (4) matches that was played in the English premier league competition, they have won just 1 (one) against Luton, and the rest they lost two (2) and draw 1. This is so bad I must admit. It shows that they are doing bad and that needs to be attended to with immediate effect.

As per the above some will be saying that the English premier league competition is just starting, I for sure knows that, but that doesn't mean that they should continue like this, if they continue like this, they will pay dearly for it. Well, that aside, we all can see that during this weekend the Chelsea fc team will be paying against the Bournemouth FC team, all that is needed in that match should be a win for the Chelsea fc team, that will shows that they are serious with business. Let us brace for Saturday as we await the Bournemouth fc match versus the Chelsea fc match.

As for me I am expecting the Chelsea fc team to win this match as the Bournemouth team are not doing well either, they are currently occupying 16th position haven't played four (4) matches. They have draw two (2) matches and lost two (2). This statistics is showing that they are not doing well at all.

Photos from YouTube

I will end the post here, have a nice day.