Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has shared his thoughts on unvaccinated players. According to him, he pointed out that henceforth, clubs would be in doubt about signing unvaccinated players. From the onset, the Liverpook manager has been an advocate of players getting jabbed, insisting they pose health risk if they refuse to get the vaccination. He has also pin pointed another side of the coin by expressing doubts about the possibility of unvaccinated players sealing good transfer deals.

The idea of Jurgen Klopp

From his statement, there was a central idea Jurgen Klopp was trying to pass. According to him, he stated that a player may be very talented, however, he is a constant threat to the game if he does not get vaccinated. That being said, there is a high potentiality that clubs would avoid signing such individual players.

Premier League take a stand on fans

Bearing in mind the current situation of things, the Premier League FA has taken a strong decision concerning the activities of fans in the stadium. Before viewing games, fans would be required to show a prove of vaccination or a negative test. Otherwise they would not be let in.

The need for all players to get vaccinated

It is great to see the Premier League FA take strong decision on those who decide not to get vaccinated. So far, there has been no known adverse effect of getting vaccinated. The earlier this fans and players accept reality, the better for the game of football.