This is a hard one! 😛

I can argue it till eternity that Chelsea fans are the most arrogant and notorious fans I've ever come across. Yeah! Every club fans have Thugs but I think that of Chelsea fans is on the high side.

Mind you, I base my judgment on how familiar I am with them and the myths surrounding them in this part of the world. We watch football together and I know how arrogant Chelsea fans are especially when the game does not favour them

Chelsea fans complain and shout a lot. Not only that, they're quick to blame the coach for their woes and always look for a way to also blame the referee when the game does not favour them.

Chelsea fans have low patience and tolerant level and we can even see that in the club as a whole. We see the way they sack their coach upon low expectations.

That aside!

Sometimes, arguing with some of them is a waste of time because they argue blindly and hardly say things exactly the way they are unlike Liverpool or Arsenal fans who are exact opposite

This is just the summary of Chelsea fans in this part of the world but I really know if they are also like this in other parts

Do Chelsea fans in your own part of the world share similar traits?