I just wanted to point out to you a dubious and unfair type of behaviour. I will also want a response because if this is allowed i am not sure i want to continue on the platform.

Here is what i observed:

Here are these 3 accounts that just deposited 40k each:

You can just look at the blockexplorer and see that bloggersclub deposited 173k coins, after that he took out around 125k and splitted amoung those 3 accounts.

We have 3 guys: 

nxtofin, alibaba and T-rex who have no posts but all deposited 40k coins.




I also got bloggersclub in the last picture because i wanted to highlight that those are actually his accounts. He just does some comments and uses those account to vote himself (he also has the nerve to say that he is rewarding content creators).


Bloggersclub account - https://scorum.com/en-us/profile/@bloggersclub


I will let you investigate further more because my time is limited but this caught my attention.

I hope you don't accept this type of behaviour because from what was promised this is not the way to make coins on the platform. There are good content creators here who are investing their time and knowledge to produce content and they get rewarded a few coins. On the other hand there are this type of scammer who don't contribute anything to the platform and only care about fooling the system and filling their pockets. At this point he could easily make a few hundred coins per day and dump them on the market.

I would also like a response from the community and what do you guys think about this!