Today we are looking at the health hazards in football. This is not about Eden hazard, who plies his trade with Chelsea football club in England, rather it is about the hazards, risks, dangers involved in football. As we all know all sports have its risks. The most common being Parkinson’s disease associated with boxing, which puts the infected person in a vegetative state.

Hazard is any agent that can cause harm, injury to humans, environment etc

Spectators they are those people that watch the football game, either at the stadium or at home.

Either as a spectator or as a player, football is passion. Whether you play soccer recreationally or an international star like Cristiano Ronaldo, you must be aware of the health dangers in the game. The health dangers may range from minor injuries to death. 

The injuries may cause temporary disabilities or permanent impairments. Immunocompromised spectators might get heart failure while watching a football match.

Deaths have been previously recorded in football matches, with players such as Serhiy Perkhun and Marc Vivien Foe who died in the course of a football match. Players such as Fabrice Muamba, Abdelhak Nouri, and Fernando Torres had near death experience on the football pitch due to exposure to different football hazards.

Health hazards encountered in a football match include Ankle injury, Knee injury, Concussion, Cardiac arrest, heat stroke, fractures, bruises, sprains.

The most frequent injury is the ankle injury/sprain. It is caused by rolling your ankles and exerting much pressure on the ligaments such that they tear. When the ligament tear, the individual needs surgery because the ankle is loose.

The second type of injury is the knee injury. The knee is bent and straightened millions of time in a life time, but it doesn’t like rotating or twisting.

Concussion too is common. It mostly occurs when you either nod a player by mistake, or take a kick to the head. Concussion is a brain injury, and too much of it can cause loss in brain function.

Soccer is an exhilarating game, but there’s always risk of getting injured. So just remember to play responsibly and safely.

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