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Soccer / timo werner

Tottenham statement signing
Owners of Tottenham Hotspur from Tavistock and ENIC with their chairman Daniel Levy decided to rattle minority of Sprus fans who want their team to fight to win trophies. They extended loan of "expected dribbler" not wanted in Leipzig Timo Werner for next season! This is spectacular statement-signing, statement which tells "We are not going to fight for any trophy next season you worthless customers, financiers and consumers of our real estate building company!" Paid journalists are racing with making this as some "great piece of business", throwing on you some meaningless stats attempting to brainwash fans like they don't have eyes to see true value of this player who can't kick the ball on target and is playing in attack. They also race in accusing Ange of wanting this signing. Soon after owners finish laughing about this they announced that top 5 world football club in revenue "will need to be creative and look for opportunities in transfer market". In spursy language that means we will not buy serious players and pay normal fees, we'll look just to clubs with financial difficulties and players on discount or those we can loan. We will splash serious money only to help Chelsea to found them to buy Olise by buying average reckless player like Gallagher! Let's track how this process with Timo Werner went. Few weeks ago Ange told "I'm relaxed about Timo situation, I will decide about it later." Then behind the scene clubs did negotiations and Leipzig desperate to sell this non talented,old and hopless player dropped asking price from 15 to 8 millions. In that very moment Ange had revelation and thought "This guy is going to bring me the title next season mate!" came through his head and he decided to agree on loan extension for this player. Does anyone remember story about "Stop gap" until summer when we will bring real player ? Guess what "stop gap" is here to stay! I am talking about long term staying ruining any chance of this club to win any trophy in nearby future. Same people are talking "He's just rotation option!" now, or "He's free and will save funds for players on other positions!" and don't tell how many chances and points this bad player will take away next season when he comes in or how big salary he has and what that means for salary cap ? If you pay rotation option 190k Euro per week why wouldn't other "rotation options" ask for same ? You can see Timo Werner the best miss goal compilation here. Credit to Twitter user @kanefromthelane. Let's talk about business side of this. He will not only miss plenty of dead chances any other player would score and cost us possible points like against Newcastle last season when he missed two chances any other average player would score, but also encumber salary cap that it will be hard to buy anyone else before club sell someone and have no doubt club will not sell more than 1 or 2 players. Imagine you pay almost 190,000 Euro per week to player who can't kick ball on goal and playing in attack! How spursy does this sound to you on scale from 1 to 10 ? I have question for the end. Who's next ? Maybe Nino Žugelj from Bodo/Glimt ? I mean he can miss goal maybe even better than Timo Werner if that's possible. Let's make dream attack. LOL! Let's insult fans healthy brain more! LOL! I am sure fans of other clubs are dead laughing together with Tottenham owners to Spurs fans after this. This is the most spectacular way to announce to the world you are not going to fight for trophies in next season before 1. June I've ever seen!

Tottenham statement signing
Owners of Tottenham Hotspur from Tavistock and ENIC with their chairman Daniel Levy decided to rattle minority of Sprus fans who want their team to fight to win trophies. They extended loan of "expected dribbler" not wanted in Leipzig Timo Werner for next season! This is spectacular statement-signing, statement which tells "We are not going to fight for any trophy next season you worthless customers, financiers and consumers of our real estate building company!" Paid journalists are racing with making this as some "great piece of business", throwing on you some meaningless stats attempting to brainwash fans like they don't have eyes to see true value of this player who can't kick the ball on target and is playing in attack. They also race in accusing Ange of wanting this signing. Soon after owners finish laughing about this they announced that top 5 world football club in revenue "will need to be creative and look for opportunities in transfer market". In spursy language that means we will not buy serious players and pay normal fees, we'll look just to clubs with financial difficulties and players on discount or those we can loan. We will splash serious money only to help Chelsea to found them to buy Olise by buying average reckless player like Gallagher! Let's track how this process with Timo Werner went. Few weeks ago Ange told "I'm relaxed about Timo situation, I will decide about it later." Then behind the scene clubs did negotiations and Leipzig desperate to sell this non talented,old and hopless player dropped asking price from 15 to 8 millions. In that very moment Ange had revelation and thought "This guy is going to bring me the title next season mate!" came through his head and he decided to agree on loan extension for this player. Does anyone remember story about "Stop gap" until summer when we will bring real player ? Guess what "stop gap" is here to stay! I am talking about long term staying ruining any chance of this club to win any trophy in nearby future. Same people are talking "He's just rotation option!" now, or "He's free and will save funds for players on other positions!" and don't tell how many chances and points this bad player will take away next season when he comes in or how big salary he has and what that means for salary cap ? If you pay rotation option 190k Euro per week why wouldn't other "rotation options" ask for same ? You can see Timo Werner the best miss goal compilation here. Credit to Twitter user @kanefromthelane. Let's talk about business side of this. He will not only miss plenty of dead chances any other player would score and cost us possible points like against Newcastle last season when he missed two chances any other average player would score, but also encumber salary cap that it will be hard to buy anyone else before club sell someone and have no doubt club will not sell more than 1 or 2 players. Imagine you pay almost 190,000 Euro per week to player who can't kick ball on goal and playing in attack! How spursy does this sound to you on scale from 1 to 10 ? I have question for the end. Who's next ? Maybe Nino Žugelj from Bodo/Glimt ? I mean he can miss goal maybe even better than Timo Werner if that's possible. Let's make dream attack. LOL! Let's insult fans healthy brain more! LOL! I am sure fans of other clubs are dead laughing together with Tottenham owners to Spurs fans after this. This is the most spectacular way to announce to the world you are not going to fight for trophies in next season before 1. June I've ever seen!

Tottenham statement signing
Owners of Tottenham Hotspur from Tavistock and ENIC with their chairman Daniel Levy decided to rattle minority of Sprus fans who want their team to fight to win trophies. They extended loan of "expected dribbler" not wanted in Leipzig Timo Werner for next season! This is spectacular statement-signing, statement which tells "We are not going to fight for any trophy next season you worthless customers, financiers and consumers of our real estate building company!" Paid journalists are racing with making this as some "great piece of business", throwing on you some meaningless stats attempting to brainwash fans like they don't have eyes to see true value of this player who can't kick the ball on target and is playing in attack. They also race in accusing Ange of wanting this signing. Soon after owners finish laughing about this they announced that top 5 world football club in revenue "will need to be creative and look for opportunities in transfer market". In spursy language that means we will not buy serious players and pay normal fees, we'll look just to clubs with financial difficulties and players on discount or those we can loan. We will splash serious money only to help Chelsea to found them to buy Olise by buying average reckless player like Gallagher! Let's track how this process with Timo Werner went. Few weeks ago Ange told "I'm relaxed about Timo situation, I will decide about it later." Then behind the scene clubs did negotiations and Leipzig desperate to sell this non talented,old and hopless player dropped asking price from 15 to 8 millions. In that very moment Ange had revelation and thought "This guy is going to bring me the title next season mate!" came through his head and he decided to agree on loan extension for this player. Does anyone remember story about "Stop gap" until summer when we will bring real player ? Guess what "stop gap" is here to stay! I am talking about long term staying ruining any chance of this club to win any trophy in nearby future. Same people are talking "He's just rotation option!" now, or "He's free and will save funds for players on other positions!" and don't tell how many chances and points this bad player will take away next season when he comes in or how big salary he has and what that means for salary cap ? If you pay rotation option 190k Euro per week why wouldn't other "rotation options" ask for same ? You can see Timo Werner the best miss goal compilation here. Credit to Twitter user @kanefromthelane. Let's talk about business side of this. He will not only miss plenty of dead chances any other player would score and cost us possible points like against Newcastle last season when he missed two chances any other average player would score, but also encumber salary cap that it will be hard to buy anyone else before club sell someone and have no doubt club will not sell more than 1 or 2 players. Imagine you pay almost 190,000 Euro per week to player who can't kick ball on goal and playing in attack! How spursy does this sound to you on scale from 1 to 10 ? I have question for the end. Who's next ? Maybe Nino Žugelj from Bodo/Glimt ? I mean he can miss goal maybe even better than Timo Werner if that's possible. Let's make dream attack. LOL! Let's insult fans healthy brain more! LOL! I am sure fans of other clubs are dead laughing together with Tottenham owners to Spurs fans after this. This is the most spectacular way to announce to the world you are not going to fight for trophies in next season before 1. June I've ever seen!