Steam It does not have many golfers. I believe that many people will be active soon, and I will write with a strong heart. Each and every golf-related article will be a precious shining like treasure. I hope this helps you a lot ^^ It is said that the more you play golf, the harder it is to know. I know golf theory well, but it does not necessarily work well, but if you do the theory correctly, you can practice correctly,

I believe golf study is important because I can recover immediately after a slump.

From now on, I would like to know more about what you need to know to become a golf single.

(1), Shallow the club.

It is an important secret about how to do the downswing. It is a secret that can not be easily heard anywhere. "Shallow The Club" in Korean, I can not help but speak a little bit.

The above picture shows Shallow scene.

The angle of the club, that is, the angle of the shaft, should be placed on the ground to create a downswing path

Just like how to gather power from all sports. Even when hitting a ball in tennis, or when hitting a ball in a baseball game, the bat must hit the ground to hit the battlefield. The same goes for golf swing. It looks like the shafts fall to the ground because of gravity when you start the downswing by hanging a water bottle near the shaft hosel.

The downswing orbit will not descend steeply. I feel the club coming back from behind. This way you can lay down your club and swing down to make sure the power is delivered to the ball, improving power, distance and consistency.

In particular, it eliminates the Eerly Extention.

If you do not drag your right hand elbow inward rapidly from the downswing section, you are more likely to slash the ball in the ball hitting section. On the image, you must down swing your right hip in the abduction (outer rotation) and pass the right knee with your right hand bottom facing the front. Many exercises are needed. If practice is not enough, it is easy to get the ball to the right.

If you master the skills of swallowing your club, you will improve your golf skills.

If you have any questions, I will answer you as much as I can.

I wish you happiness !!