It is over twenty four hours of my increased activity in here after recovering my password and I have a lot I have observed here. If there is something laudable I have noticed here,  it is the engagement on this platform. It is highly commendable and it gives one this feeling of acceptance and makes here feel like a home already. Most comments here are so engaging, but sadly a few leaves little to be desired.


In as much as commenting gets you noticed on this platform, it is more important to read than to comment. The type of comments you leave on people's post give them an impression about  you. This impression can be good or bad. It is worse off when you are making a terrible comment on the post of someone you didn't know prior to your comment. Remember that phrase about first impressions? They last long! You sure do not want to leave a negative first impression about you. This might never be forgotten in a hurry.

I admit that most times it gets difficult to engage in some posts. That does not mean that you are a retard. Neither does it make you less intelligent. It might just be because you have not paid attention to that topic in the past. In such situations, read the post again. If after reading you still don't have an appropriate comment for that post, it is honorable to dust your ass and move on. Do well to leave an upvote if you like the post. The author would definitely appreciate your upvote no matter how little it is rather than leaving him a  shitty comment that has nothing to do with his/her post.

Benefits of reading that post again

I need to emphasize again that reading a post that you could not engage with again will benefit you in so many ways. One of the ways is this, a good post will leave you more educated about that topic than you were. Knowledge is power and it is a huge plus to you. Another benefit is that, it might stimulate you to make further research about it. Making a further research about it will get you more informed and it might even provide you with a more intelligent comment for the author. 

If after all these, you still don't have an appropriate reply, leave an upvote and move on!!! It is the most honorable thing to do.

Thanks for reading friend!!! I do hope you learnt a thing or two