Recently, cloud gaming has become a hot topic in the gaming industry. Unlike the conventional one, because the concept of streaming through the cloud server is not driven by hardware, it is possible to play games at any time without a separate high-performance device or PC.

On October 19, Microsoft unveiled its cloud gaming service, Project X Cloud. Said it will focus on creating an environment where users can enjoy games on their devices anytime, anywhere, according to the communication environment. Microsoft added that even if there is no console, technical support will be provided to play games through the network. In addition, on March 13, X Cloud showed a public demonstration.

• The questions now is:

What happens when the X cloud is implemented soon? How should developers respond?

Microsoft's Senior Program Manager, Gus, (Senior Program Manager) Brandon, and (Chief Engineer) Sean Palcas, have revealed how to implement X Cloud in the future and what technical support they will provide for developers.

Gus explained that the basic principles of X Cloud can be driven 'on a global scale', 'regardless of device', with existing technology. This means that gamers should be able to connect and play games whenever and wherever they like. It is also a principle that developers should be able to implement it with existing technology and apply it to existing games. Gus also said the project of cloud gaming is bright. According to statistics from Microsoft, about 4 billion people are using the Internet, 2 billion of which are gamers. Cloud gaming explains that as long as the network is connected, the potential customer base is as wide as it can be anywhere.

In addition, Microsoft announced that it will provide a variety of support for developers who will add content to the X-Cloud. For developers, we have introduced three principles, first and foremost, that allow users and developers to enjoy and develop games in a way that is conventional without the traditional code writing and major changes. Second, a touch adaptation kit will be provided to allow an app or program that does not support touch interface as a basis to build a touch interface.

The third is to build cloud awareness so that games developed on any device will not be unfamiliar. In fact, the difference between a smartphone and a console with a 4K monitor or a high-performance gaming PC is quite large. Even if you play the same game, you usually feel that the performance or play environment is different. There are many things to be worried about for developers. In addition to switching the input with the above-mentioned touch interface, there are various things such as the device conversion, the UI conversion according to the resolution, and the screen size. At present, Microsoft is building hardware and systems for X Cloud that is easy to build with Azure Center, and is preparing a kit for developers and users while testing several games in-house.


@mycr7 the 🎮 Boy