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Innovations / fitness

On Wearables : The Role Of Innovation In Improving The Sports and Fitness Industry
Wearables is becoming a huge industry especially in the areas of Health and Sports. Instruments like wristbands and watches which were previously strictly bought to create a fashion sense are now morphing into things that people can use to track body data. The 800 Garmin Sapphire GPS-enabled watch can map your location, display your fitness schedules and results, connect to your personal computer, and give you readouts on everything from pulse, altitude, and barometric pressure, And just like every other forms of technology, those who are in the fitness business are seeing this new wave of tech products as a threat to their business. Between the watches, the scales, the body scanners and other sorts of software and biofeedback tech , there are people who are prophesying an apocalypse for those in the fitness business. But is this so ? Heart rate and calories burnt are just few of the wide range of data a wearable can help organize. But no matter how many wearables that floods the market, there is none which will be able to replicate Human algorithm. There will still be a need for Human contact and evaluation These data can be of great use to fitness instructors, as it will help them better fine tune training activities for athletes. Each athlete is unique in their own way and it makes sense for them to have variations of training regimen. Data from wearables can help fitness instructors discover and analyze where the strength and weakness of the athletes are, power metrics their level of endurance and other factors that can help them know where to focus more in training. And when it comes to data, more is Important. The wider the range of data, the more possible it becomes to make better decisions. In my opinion this is not a threat to the fitness business, but a huge advantage. It is one thing to have data and it is another thing to interpret. Even if athletes buy this wide range of wearables to help their body data, I believe that they will still need professional opinion on what to do with the data. So when you think about it, you will discover that the wearables are actually helping the fitness instructors do a better job of advising athletes, it can also open them up to more business depending on their level of expertise and personal branding. If you are a fitness instructor, no matter your location you can always track the data of your clients online , chart their progress and give them training advice online via email or video call. This gives you more options and wider reach. I say more options because the wearable industry in opening a whole new world of business for those in the fitness business. Wearable devices which were previously high end and built explicitly for professionals are now being modified and sold in the market to everyday people who are interested in monitoring their health. Bankers and Engineers who have daily jobs, run off early in the morning with these devices strapped to their arms for a one hour jog before work and most times they will always need professional advice on steps they need to take based on the data they receive . So I believe that wearables are not a threat to the business of fitness instructors, however depending on their level of personal branding, they can leverage their skills to serve a wider spectrum of clients. Online communities like LiveStrong has shown what's possible when you leverage the power of the Internet. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks For Reading. Read My Last Post: The Sports Bloggers Guide To Writing Posts That Get's Read : It is not only about the Header Follow @ogochukwu

On Wearables : The Role Of Innovation In Improving The Sports and Fitness Industry
Wearables is becoming a huge industry especially in the areas of Health and Sports. Instruments like wristbands and watches which were previously strictly bought to create a fashion sense are now morphing into things that people can use to track body data. The 800 Garmin Sapphire GPS-enabled watch can map your location, display your fitness schedules and results, connect to your personal computer, and give you readouts on everything from pulse, altitude, and barometric pressure, And just like every other forms of technology, those who are in the fitness business are seeing this new wave of tech products as a threat to their business. Between the watches, the scales, the body scanners and other sorts of software and biofeedback tech , there are people who are prophesying an apocalypse for those in the fitness business. But is this so ? Heart rate and calories burnt are just few of the wide range of data a wearable can help organize. But no matter how many wearables that floods the market, there is none which will be able to replicate Human algorithm. There will still be a need for Human contact and evaluation These data can be of great use to fitness instructors, as it will help them better fine tune training activities for athletes. Each athlete is unique in their own way and it makes sense for them to have variations of training regimen. Data from wearables can help fitness instructors discover and analyze where the strength and weakness of the athletes are, power metrics their level of endurance and other factors that can help them know where to focus more in training. And when it comes to data, more is Important. The wider the range of data, the more possible it becomes to make better decisions. In my opinion this is not a threat to the fitness business, but a huge advantage. It is one thing to have data and it is another thing to interpret. Even if athletes buy this wide range of wearables to help their body data, I believe that they will still need professional opinion on what to do with the data. So when you think about it, you will discover that the wearables are actually helping the fitness instructors do a better job of advising athletes, it can also open them up to more business depending on their level of expertise and personal branding. If you are a fitness instructor, no matter your location you can always track the data of your clients online , chart their progress and give them training advice online via email or video call. This gives you more options and wider reach. I say more options because the wearable industry in opening a whole new world of business for those in the fitness business. Wearable devices which were previously high end and built explicitly for professionals are now being modified and sold in the market to everyday people who are interested in monitoring their health. Bankers and Engineers who have daily jobs, run off early in the morning with these devices strapped to their arms for a one hour jog before work and most times they will always need professional advice on steps they need to take based on the data they receive . So I believe that wearables are not a threat to the business of fitness instructors, however depending on their level of personal branding, they can leverage their skills to serve a wider spectrum of clients. Online communities like LiveStrong has shown what's possible when you leverage the power of the Internet. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks For Reading. Read My Last Post: The Sports Bloggers Guide To Writing Posts That Get's Read : It is not only about the Header Follow @ogochukwu

On Wearables : The Role Of Innovation In Improving The Sports and Fitness Industry
Wearables is becoming a huge industry especially in the areas of Health and Sports. Instruments like wristbands and watches which were previously strictly bought to create a fashion sense are now morphing into things that people can use to track body data. The 800 Garmin Sapphire GPS-enabled watch can map your location, display your fitness schedules and results, connect to your personal computer, and give you readouts on everything from pulse, altitude, and barometric pressure, And just like every other forms of technology, those who are in the fitness business are seeing this new wave of tech products as a threat to their business. Between the watches, the scales, the body scanners and other sorts of software and biofeedback tech , there are people who are prophesying an apocalypse for those in the fitness business. But is this so ? Heart rate and calories burnt are just few of the wide range of data a wearable can help organize. But no matter how many wearables that floods the market, there is none which will be able to replicate Human algorithm. There will still be a need for Human contact and evaluation These data can be of great use to fitness instructors, as it will help them better fine tune training activities for athletes. Each athlete is unique in their own way and it makes sense for them to have variations of training regimen. Data from wearables can help fitness instructors discover and analyze where the strength and weakness of the athletes are, power metrics their level of endurance and other factors that can help them know where to focus more in training. And when it comes to data, more is Important. The wider the range of data, the more possible it becomes to make better decisions. In my opinion this is not a threat to the fitness business, but a huge advantage. It is one thing to have data and it is another thing to interpret. Even if athletes buy this wide range of wearables to help their body data, I believe that they will still need professional opinion on what to do with the data. So when you think about it, you will discover that the wearables are actually helping the fitness instructors do a better job of advising athletes, it can also open them up to more business depending on their level of expertise and personal branding. If you are a fitness instructor, no matter your location you can always track the data of your clients online , chart their progress and give them training advice online via email or video call. This gives you more options and wider reach. I say more options because the wearable industry in opening a whole new world of business for those in the fitness business. Wearable devices which were previously high end and built explicitly for professionals are now being modified and sold in the market to everyday people who are interested in monitoring their health. Bankers and Engineers who have daily jobs, run off early in the morning with these devices strapped to their arms for a one hour jog before work and most times they will always need professional advice on steps they need to take based on the data they receive . So I believe that wearables are not a threat to the business of fitness instructors, however depending on their level of personal branding, they can leverage their skills to serve a wider spectrum of clients. Online communities like LiveStrong has shown what's possible when you leverage the power of the Internet. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks For Reading. Read My Last Post: The Sports Bloggers Guide To Writing Posts That Get's Read : It is not only about the Header Follow @ogochukwu
⁠⁠⁠I cant keep this piece to myself alone. Its forever going to be useful, even for our unborn generations. It is for keeps.
LEARN TO BE YOUR OWN PERSONAL DOCTOR* TYPHOID FEVER: Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces, boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear. 2. STOMACH ULCER: Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The ailment will disappear. 3.ASTHMA: Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a day for 3-4 weeks . 4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS: Get 5 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one spoon, 3 times daily until the 6th day. .5 CHOLERA: Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The cholera will stop immediately. 6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Get 4 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks. 7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.That will close the chapter. 8. SEVERE COUGH: Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 4 days. 9. TUBERCULOSIS: Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic grind everything and add a bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. 10. DIABETES: Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. alternatively; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves, squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one month. 11. STAPHILOCOCCUS: Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera, cut into pieces and put it in a container add one bottle of original honey and a glass of water. Take half cup of it 2 times daily for one week. 12. *WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR*: Get some leaves of Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf) squeeze out the water and give it to the woman under hard labour. She will deliver the baby instantly. 13. INTERNAL PILE: Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and bitter leaves, squeeze out the water take half cup twice daily for 4 days. 15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM: Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic, cut them in pieces mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily for 3 days. 16. WEIGHT LOSS: Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on physical exercise. 17. FUNGAL INFECTION: Mix a native soap with ground potash, add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath. 18. GONORRHEA: Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cutinto pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily until it is over. 19. INTERNAL HEAT: Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for one week. 20. INSOMNIA: Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk. Take all at bedtime for one week. 21. HEART FAILURE: Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks. 23.TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN: Get a mixture of lime juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over. 24. LOW SPERM COUNT: Get large quantity of guava leaves, pound, add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks. 25. QUICK EJACULATION: Get 3 bulbs of Okro, slice them get the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2 days. Take half cup daily for one week. 26. WEAK ERECTION: Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for one week. 27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE: Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice daily for one week. 28. CHILDREN CONVULSION: Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink and use the mixture as cream for the child. 29. FIRE BURNS: Rub the affected area with pure honey daily. 30. HAIR BREAKAGE: Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair. 31. BALD HEAD: Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair will start growing in the affected area. 32. FIBROID: Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds everyday for about two months. 33. BLOOD BUILDING: Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for three days; your blood will be boosted. 34. CATARACTS: Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes every night until the problem is over. 35. THROAT PROBLEM: Eat small quantity of ginger continuously for one week. IF THIS PIECE WAS USEFUL TO YOU KINDLY SHARE TO BETTER SOMEONE'S LIFE
⁠⁠⁠I cant keep this piece to myself alone. Its forever going to be useful, even for our unborn generations. It is for keeps.
LEARN TO BE YOUR OWN PERSONAL DOCTOR* TYPHOID FEVER: Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces, boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear. 2. STOMACH ULCER: Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The ailment will disappear. 3.ASTHMA: Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a day for 3-4 weeks . 4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS: Get 5 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one spoon, 3 times daily until the 6th day. .5 CHOLERA: Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The cholera will stop immediately. 6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Get 4 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks. 7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.That will close the chapter. 8. SEVERE COUGH: Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 4 days. 9. TUBERCULOSIS: Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic grind everything and add a bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. 10. DIABETES: Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. alternatively; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves, squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one month. 11. STAPHILOCOCCUS: Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera, cut into pieces and put it in a container add one bottle of original honey and a glass of water. Take half cup of it 2 times daily for one week. 12. *WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR*: Get some leaves of Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf) squeeze out the water and give it to the woman under hard labour. She will deliver the baby instantly. 13. INTERNAL PILE: Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and bitter leaves, squeeze out the water take half cup twice daily for 4 days. 15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM: Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic, cut them in pieces mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily for 3 days. 16. WEIGHT LOSS: Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on physical exercise. 17. FUNGAL INFECTION: Mix a native soap with ground potash, add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath. 18. GONORRHEA: Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cutinto pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily until it is over. 19. INTERNAL HEAT: Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for one week. 20. INSOMNIA: Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk. Take all at bedtime for one week. 21. HEART FAILURE: Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks. 23.TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN: Get a mixture of lime juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over. 24. LOW SPERM COUNT: Get large quantity of guava leaves, pound, add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks. 25. QUICK EJACULATION: Get 3 bulbs of Okro, slice them get the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2 days. Take half cup daily for one week. 26. WEAK ERECTION: Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for one week. 27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE: Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice daily for one week. 28. CHILDREN CONVULSION: Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink and use the mixture as cream for the child. 29. FIRE BURNS: Rub the affected area with pure honey daily. 30. HAIR BREAKAGE: Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair. 31. BALD HEAD: Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair will start growing in the affected area. 32. FIBROID: Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds everyday for about two months. 33. BLOOD BUILDING: Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for three days; your blood will be boosted. 34. CATARACTS: Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes every night until the problem is over. 35. THROAT PROBLEM: Eat small quantity of ginger continuously for one week. IF THIS PIECE WAS USEFUL TO YOU KINDLY SHARE TO BETTER SOMEONE'S LIFE
⁠⁠⁠I cant keep this piece to myself alone. Its forever going to be useful, even for our unborn generations. It is for keeps.
LEARN TO BE YOUR OWN PERSONAL DOCTOR* TYPHOID FEVER: Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces, boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear. 2. STOMACH ULCER: Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The ailment will disappear. 3.ASTHMA: Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a day for 3-4 weeks . 4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS: Get 5 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one spoon, 3 times daily until the 6th day. .5 CHOLERA: Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The cholera will stop immediately. 6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Get 4 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks. 7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.That will close the chapter. 8. SEVERE COUGH: Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 4 days. 9. TUBERCULOSIS: Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic grind everything and add a bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. 10. DIABETES: Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month. alternatively; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves, squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one month. 11. STAPHILOCOCCUS: Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera, cut into pieces and put it in a container add one bottle of original honey and a glass of water. Take half cup of it 2 times daily for one week. 12. *WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR*: Get some leaves of Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf) squeeze out the water and give it to the woman under hard labour. She will deliver the baby instantly. 13. INTERNAL PILE: Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and bitter leaves, squeeze out the water take half cup twice daily for 4 days. 15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM: Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic, cut them in pieces mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily for 3 days. 16. WEIGHT LOSS: Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on physical exercise. 17. FUNGAL INFECTION: Mix a native soap with ground potash, add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath. 18. GONORRHEA: Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cutinto pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2 spoons daily until it is over. 19. INTERNAL HEAT: Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for one week. 20. INSOMNIA: Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk. Take all at bedtime for one week. 21. HEART FAILURE: Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks. 23.TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN: Get a mixture of lime juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over. 24. LOW SPERM COUNT: Get large quantity of guava leaves, pound, add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks. 25. QUICK EJACULATION: Get 3 bulbs of Okro, slice them get the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2 days. Take half cup daily for one week. 26. WEAK ERECTION: Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice daily for one week. 27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE: Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice daily for one week. 28. CHILDREN CONVULSION: Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink and use the mixture as cream for the child. 29. FIRE BURNS: Rub the affected area with pure honey daily. 30. HAIR BREAKAGE: Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the mixture to wash your hair. 31. BALD HEAD: Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair will start growing in the affected area. 32. FIBROID: Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds everyday for about two months. 33. BLOOD BUILDING: Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for three days; your blood will be boosted. 34. CATARACTS: Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes every night until the problem is over. 35. THROAT PROBLEM: Eat small quantity of ginger continuously for one week. IF THIS PIECE WAS USEFUL TO YOU KINDLY SHARE TO BETTER SOMEONE'S LIFE
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