Capoeira - is a martial sport developed by African slaves in Brazil in the 1500s.

Movement in capoeira resembles dance and focuses on kicks. The battle in capoeira is usually accompanied by music and is called Jogo. Capoeira is often criticized because many people doubt its efficacy in real combat, compared to other martial arts such as Karate or Taekwondo.

Photo Capoeira Martial from Google

Capoeira is a traditional martial system founded in Brazil by African slaves brought by the Portuguese to Brazil to work on large plantations. In ancient times they did training accompanied by traditional musical instruments, such as berimbau (a wooden arch with string strings that were hit with a small wood to vibrate it) and atabaque (big drums), and it was also easier for them to hide the exercises they are in various activities such as fun at parties performed by slaves in their homes called senzala.

When an escaped slave he will be chased by an armed professional "hunter" named capitaes-do-mato (forest captain).

Capoeira is very close to the history of the Brazilian nation, the history of slavery. In the 15th and 16th centuries slaves were imported from western Africa. These jet-skinned slaves became one of the components of the production of plantation products in Brazil, which at that time were colonized by the Portuguese. They were treated inhumanely by the Portuguese. Like farm animals, their bodies are marked with a hot iron stamp.

Photo Capoeira Martial from Google

Bondage restraints foster a desire to be free. They then develop self-defense techniques for the sake of freeing themselves. Training is done in secret, and the best means of disguise is dance. Because in Africa dance is the most popular form of expression, slaves practice attack techniques and Capoeira elusions are accompanied by music, singing and dancing.

The Dutch invasion in 1624-1630 had disrupted the plantation and sugar industry in Brazil. The opportunity was used to escape into the forest and form villages. This village is known as Quilombos. As soon as the Dutch left Brazil, slave owners sent armed forces into the forests to arrest slaves and destroy their villages. The slaves realized they were defeated in weapons, they also developed a martial system capable of fighting weapons. This martial system is called Capoeira de Angola.

Capoeira itself is the name of shrub plants around them and Angola is the name of the country that is believed to be the origin of the first group of slaves who came to Brazil. Until now Capoeira was divided into two major schools, Capoeira de Angola and Capoeira Regional. Each has its own characteristics. In 1890 Capoeira was banned by the government. Until finally in 1928 Manoel dos Reis Machado (Bimba Master) introduced the Regional EoLuta Baiana. A mixture of Capoeira de Angola and Batuque (Capoeira street). Later this flow continued to grow and was known as Capoeira Regional. Now Capoeira is no longer known simply as a martial system. Capoeir is then recognized as a national asset in the form of dance, sports, games and an artistic expression of independence.

Photo Capoeira Martial from Google

If we look at the Capoeira Movement, the technique used by Capoeira uses very little hand movement. Why are you doing it? according to the source this was caused in the past because the hands of slaves were shackled using chains. That is why the Capoeira movement uses a lot of foot movement techniques. Capoeira is booming again because it was popularized by Manuel dos Reis Machado (Mestre Bimba) through a show for the Brazilian president at that time. This martial art then began to spread to other countries

Haii...Maybe you guys who like sports and martial arts must know about Capoeira.
Capoeira is now a hobby as well as one of the martial arts that is increasingly loved by foreign urban communities.

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