Stand up. Okay, I am just kidding. If you read this posting sitting somewhere, maybe you are wondering what to do if you are being attacked. Today we are going to talk about how to defend yourself from a seated position.

Sometimes you have no choice. You do not get to choose to fight. You are being attacked. So if you sit down on a chair, you cannot move much. Still, from a seated position, you can defend yourself and make your move. To attack you, the attacker has to come close to you.

As soon as you see the attacker is about to punch you, you can stop him kicking his legs. You can kick to his knee, grab his hand and pull. Then you can attack him.

In case the attacker gets close to you, you can attack the nearest target from there. You can hit him in the groin. And this is going to be painful. Then you can make your next move. You can do a lot of things to defend yourself. I'm just sharing some ideas about what you can do sitting on a chair.

When you feel that something is wrong and the guy can attack you, you can change your legs position sitting right there so that you can stand up quickly. Yes, you can stand up and deal with the attacker. Now you can move, and you have a lot of options.

You are sitting on a chair, right? So why don't you use the chair to defend yourself? If you can pick up the chair, you can use it to protect yourself and counter-attack. Having an open mind is very important. You can adapt to the situation and make your moves accordingly.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section.

Stay safe. Always be happy!