MMA fighters are so good at fighting because they train and condition, and keep doing it. Not only MMA, if you learn any martial arts, you have to train consistently. To achieve something, you have to be disciplined and put your effort on a regular basis.
To defend yourself, you have to know and practice how to hurt and make some damage. When there is no alternative, and you cannot go back, you have to move forward.
I'm going to share a video. What you see in this video, please do not try this at home. All video credit goes to chintya candranaya. She is an expert in Silat. Let's watch this video.
When we see something exceptional, that makes us surprised. It is amazing to see something like that. When a martial artist does something like that, that's impressive. Please do not try to do that at home. They have been training for years. They get used to it.
It seems very difficult, but for them, that is not. So do not hit on the wall or kick something hard. You will end up getting injured.
You have to train hard and at the same time, you have to understand what you are capable of doing. Watching something like this, do not go and hit something hard if you do not have any formal training.
Conditioning is important. You should start with basic exercises and then step by step you will keep learning. So do you need to hit like this to learn martial arts?
Well, to learn martial arts, you do not need to do that but what you need is to train hard and be consistent. Focus on your target. Thank you so much for your support and feedback.
Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section. Stay safe. Always be happy!