Texas Rangers outfielder Choo Shin-soo led his team to a 20 home run of the season.

Choo started as the first hitter and right fielder at the 2018 Major League Baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday, and scored two hits (two homers) with four RBIs. Texas won 8-5, winning four consecutive games. Choo's batting average for the season has risen from 7.80 to 8.

Choo hit multiple homeruns in 1902 days since the game against the Miami Marlins on May 16, 2013 during the Cincinnati Reds. The home run of the fifth inning was the first homer in 11 games since the beginning of the second half and the first one in 15 days after the Baltimore Orioles game on the 16th.

Choo, who was the lead hitter in the first inning, was struck out in the sixth inning against Arizona's left-hander Robbie Ray, and was out on a batting strike. Choo hit a low ball for the sixth time in the third inning after losing 0-1 to the second baseman.

In the fifth inning, Choo was able to hit the batter's box again in the first and second chances of two outs and hit the mound in the fifth inning. It was Choo's 19th homer of the season, which was hit 15 days after the game against Baltimore on Wednesday. Texas had a 3-1 come-from-behind victory. However, Texas was renegotiated three to four times in the fifth inning.

The sixth inning when the team scored two goals and re-entered the game 5-4. Choo struck out three runs against Jorge de La Rosa in the fifth round of the grand slam. However, Choo once again crossed the fence between the left and center in the eighth inning with the team leading by 7-5.

The team ran away one more point in the ninth inning to win 9-5, and continued its winning streak since the game against Houston on Saturday.