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According to report have slowed down after hitting seven consecutive games.

In an away game against Oakland at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California on Wednesday.Choo started as the designated hitter and went 3-for-4 with no hits, two walks and one run scored. His batting average for the season fell slightly from 0.284 to 0.282. The hitting streak of consecutive games, which had been held against Houston has also been put on hold.

Choo, who retired on a fly to right field in the first inning, came out as the leadoff hitter in the fourth and scored a run after getting on base with a walk. He also picked up a walk in the fifth inning with two outs, but only grounded out to second base in the seventh. In the ninth inning, he got on base due to a mistake in the first base.

However, Texas won 5-2 to win its second straight game.