Ji-man choi replaced Mike Brosseau in the first base of the 6th in the first base of the 6th inning the 2021 American Professional Baseball Major League (MLB) visit match against the Toronto Blue Jays at Dunedin TD Ball Park, Florida, USA He entered the plate with a pinch.

Only Choi is a Toronto right-hander bullpen A.J. At the end of a full-count match against the call, he pulled the 89.7-mile (about 144km) cut fastball for the 6th pitch and crossed the right wall.

It is Choi's only season 2 home run.This is the second pinch hitting home run in my career.

Ji-man choi took the lead in the ninth inning and sharply pushed the third pitcher of Toronto right-hander bullpen Tyler Chatwood.He was a hitter but headed straight for third baseman Santiago Espinal,who was skewed to the right than his usual defensive position. Ji-man choi,who missed one hit due to the opponent's defense shift, got his third at-bat in the first and third bases in the 11th inning.He had a chance to score the finish line, but he struck out a sloppy swing by a sinking into the lower course outside the fifth pitch of Toronto right-handed bullpen left-handed bullpen Joel Payamps.

Tampa Bay split the game with Francisco Mejia's first high-base home run, which broke out from the two-team highs in the early 12th inning. After entering the at-bat,Ji-man choi retreated with a floating ball in the infield and ended the game on the day with four at-bats, one hit (one home run) and two RBIs. Choi's batting average for the season fell from 0.538 to 0.471 (8 hits in 17 at-bats).

Tampa Bay defeated Toronto 9-7 after 12 battles overtime and ran 8 straight victories.Toronto saved the last fire with a two-run home run by Vladimir Guerrero Jr. at the end of the 12th inning, but in the end, they were unable to overturn the game and fell into a third straight victory.