We all love sports, right....isn't that why we're here on Scorum? I certainly do and it's also how I make a living....it's my chosen career and I loved it until it slipped through my fingers. I think we're all waiting for everything to kick back into gear so we can enjoy some live sports instead of the same replays of classic games over and over.

This time of year my work is usually all MLB and NHL with other random sprinkles. There are murmurs and rumors that both may start back up by July (hopefully....please and thank you) but who knows. All I know is I was working a Spring training Pirates game when the final word came down. At first it was a rumor or two on social media in about the 3rd inning. Our announcers shared the grim news by the 9th inning and swung the proverbial scythe equipped by the Grim Reaper of sport. Baseball was done for the foreseeable future. They followed suit with the NBA and NHL, it was only a matter of time.

Knowing our employment outlook was bleak, we pulled all the cabling out of the stadium and signed our names inside a panel most will never see. After that we went to the store...we had to come back and say FU to this BS...

There was a Corona ad in the outfield at Lecom Park and we just couldn't help ourselves....can anyone say irony? It was hilarious...several field and stadium staff came over to 'borrow' our beers and bat for the same shot.

FU COVID-19.....I want sports....that is all

OBTW...this is how we feel in Tampa Bay with Brady and Gronk coming....