Photo Credit: USA Today

By Zane Miller

Here's a look at my favorite to least favorite MLB teams, with the #1 spot being the most favorite and #30 being the least favorite. Just like the list for the NFL team rankings, I brought in Z8 Podcast co-host Rita Miller to add her favorite to least favorite teams also.

We only had one team share the same spot with the Cincinnati Reds at #1, while the biggest difference by far was with the Atlanta Braves with a differential of 27 spots between lists.

I'm also taking a short vacation from writing articles (with the exception of the upcoming Top 5 Players of the 2020 World Series, which will be coming out as scheduled), but I am planning on returning to the regularly scheduled programming on November 5th. Before then, I have another list planned for covering favorite to least favorite NHL teams set to come out around Halloween.

Thanks for reading, hopefully you enjoy the rest of the World Series!

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